She acts as Arbitrator at the Money and Capital Markets. Her primary practice areas are banking law, compliance issues, data protection and sustainability (ESG).
Banking Law
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Zita Tihanyi earned her law degree at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University in 1995, summa cum laude. She was a member of the István Bibó College for Advance Studies (1990-1995), in the frameworks of which she participated in several exchange programmes (University of Oxford, Uppsala University).She received a postgraduate degree in Banking law in 1998, in EU law in 2001, and in Wine Law in 2011. She also has a diploma in Real Estate Assessment.
After having a short detour as an associate, she joined the legal team of Raiffeisen Bank. In 2006 she became the Chief Legal Counsel, later she established and ran the Compliance Department as well. Being the Managing Director she was also the Head of Data Protection, Complaint Management and Customer Protection and responsible for all regulatory issues and public affairs of the Hungarian Raiffeisen Banking Group.
The Legal 500 highlighted her on GC Powerlist as one of the 120 most influential business lawyers in Central and Eastern Europe.
She joined Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori Law Office as a partner in 2022. She also acts as Arbitrator at the Permanent Court of Arbitration of the Money and Capital Markets. Her primary practice areas are banking law, compliance issues, data protection and sustainability (ESG).
Capital Market Section of the Court of Arbitration attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
She is a member of the Budapest Bar Association.
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