We are proud to mention that, as recognition of the expertise of our Law Office, we have participated in several major codifications in the field of our practice areas:
Our Law Office is a member of the International Association of the Rhine Ships Register (IVR), the significant representing body of European inland waterway transport, in the Legal Committee of which we are present in person. Many of our associates are members of the Hungarian Lawyers’ Society.
It is essential for us to share the acquired knowledge and experience with those interested in our practice areas. Many of our partners teach and lecture at universities, training institutions, courses and trainings of financial organisations, amongst others at the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Post-graduate Legal Studies of the Eötvös Loránd University, at Bibó István College of Law, at the Budapest Corvinus University, at the Deák Ferenc Training Institute of the Faculty of Law of Pázmány Péter Catholic University, at the International Training Centre for Bankers and at the Central European Broker Training Foundation. We regularly participate as lecturers on conferences as well. We are proud that – as a result of her teaching activity of many years – dr. Erika Tomori has become an honorary assistant professor at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University and at the Budapest Corvinus University.
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